Wendell Nope Police K-9 Pages
Bomb Dog Performance Standards
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Here you will find the performance objectives utilized for training and certifying Explosives Detector Dogs. These are the standards which the Utah Police Academy has researched and determined to be a reasonable foundation for this special variety of Service Dog.

Performance Objectives

  1. General Information

    1. The skills favorable for successful deployment of a Narcotics Detector Dog are recognized in two categories: (1)Searching, and (2)Indication. The Dog and Handler can be successfully trained to an appropriate skill level by a qualified Detector Dog Instructor. The competency can then be evaluated and declared by a qualified Detector Dog Judge.

    2. The substances on which a Dog is trained and evaluated shall be determined by jurisdictional need.

    3. Only safe, non-hazardous indication behavior is acceptable.

    4. The quantities of the substances in the competency evaluation shall be limited to 125 grams. The only exceptions are the exercise involving buried explosives in which 1000 grams are used, and Black Powder, in which 50 grams is used. The substances shall be packaged in various materials or containers.

    5. A Dog shall be evaluated only on substances with which it has been trained.

    6. The Explosive Detector Dog evaluation shall be concluded within a reasonable amount of time after it is begun. Typically, it can be completed within a 48 hour period. This is to establish that the Dog's mental and physical endurance are sufficient to withstand the rigors of active service.

  2. Transport Vehicle Exterior Search Scenario

    The Handler shall deploy the Dog in a scenario which has been prepared to examine the Dog's ability to locate/indicate two separate simulated Improvised Explosive Devices (IED'S) which have been hidden on the exterior of a large vehicle such as a bus or streetcar.

  3. Transport Vehicle Interior Search Scenario

    The Handler shall deploy the Dog in a scenario which has been prepared to examine the Dog's ability to locate/indicate one simulated IED which has been hidden inside a large transport vehicle such as an aircraft or a ship. A diversion shall also be placed within the suspect area.

  4. Workplace Search Scenario

    The Handler shall deploy the Dog in a scenario which has been prepared to examine the Dog's ability to locate/indicate one simulated IED which has been hidden in a workplace environment, i.e., an automobile repair shop.

  5. Administrative Checkpoint Search Scenario

    The Handler shall deploy the Dog in a scenario which has been prepared to examine the Dog's ability to locate/indicate one simulated IED which has been hidden on one of six personal vehicles. The exercise is completed when the Handler, by virtue of the Dog's indication, can identify the exact location of the possible device.

  6. Buried Explosives Search Scenario

    The Handler shall deploy the Dog in a scenario which has been prepared to examine the Dog's ability to locate/indicate one simulated IED (1000 grams quantity) which has been buried in a suspect area approximately 800 square yards and about 8-12 inches deep. A diversion shall also be placed within the search area. For purposes of Utah POST Certification, another scenario of comparable difficulty may be substituted, with the permission of the Judge.

  7. Firearms Search Scenario

    The Handler shall deploy the Dog in a scenario which has been prepared to examine the Dog's ability to locate/indicate a discharged firearm and also several of its expended cartridges which have been hidden in two separate locations within a suspect area of approximately 800 square yards. A diversion shall also be placed within the search area. For purposes of Utah POST Certification, another scenario of comparable difficulty may be substituted, with the permission of the Judge. The scenario may be omitted for officers/agencies which choose not to train the dog to find firearms/ammunition, in which case the examination grades will be prorated to calculate the final grade.

  8. Large Building Exterior Search Scenario

    The Handler shall deploy the Dog in a scenario which has been prepared to examine the Dog's ability to locate/indicate one simulated IED which has been hidden on the exterior of a large building. The suspect area shall not be limited to the walls of the building itself, but shall include any reasonable attachment or item adjacent to it.

  9. Large Building Interior Search Scenario

    The Handler shall deploy the Dog in a scenario which has been prepared to examine the Dog's ability to locate/indicate one simulated IED which has been hidden inside a large building such as a postal facility, commercial establishment, or industrial workshop.

  10. VIP Search Scenario

    The Handler shall deploy the Dog in a scenario which has been prepared to examine the Dog's ability to locate/indicate one simulated IED in an environment comparable to a VIP sweep; i.e., a restaurant, conference room, or stage assembly.

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