Wendell Nope Police K-9 Pages
DPO Rules
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DPO is an abbreviation for the German word "Diensthundpruefung" which, translated into English is "Service Dog Examination." In the German language, the term Service Dog means the same as the English term Patrol Dog. The DPO has been used for over 50 years as a baseline performance standard for federal, state, and military agencies worldwide.

There are three versions of the DPO Regulations. They are the:

  1. Reality-Based DPO ... graded - not scored, with 1-6 numbers or V-U (German), meant to be a street-certification and not a competition.

  2. International DPO ... 100 pts tracking, 100 pts obedience, 100 pts man-work ... a certification or competition Trial.

  3. Baseline DPO ... 100 pts for tracking & evidence search, 100 pts for obedience, and 200 points for man-work ... a competition Trial.

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