Wendell Nope Police Diving Pages
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Police Diving differs from Recreational Diving in many ways. Yet, the fundamentals are nearly the same. Police Diving is a noble function that encompasses numerous kinds of deployments. The certifications listed here provide a foundation for the various aspects of Police Diving that I am engaged in.

This certificate is issued by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a result of successful participation in an underwater homicide investigation conducted to detect the location of a handgun used in a shooting. The handgun had been thrown into a remote body of water and was searched for by Wendell Nope and other divers on the Utah Department of Public Safety Dive Team. The weapon was recovered, allowing for a more effective prosecution.
This certification declares that the certificant is empowered by the Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI) organization to conduct training and offer certification to Police Divers. Skills include the physiology of drowning, cold-water-near-drowning, hypothermia, mammalian dive reflex, dive team organization/management, underwater search patterns, dive/no-dive assessment, rescue mode, recovery mode, witness interviews, incident documentation, victim retrieval, victim family relations, media relations, submerged vehicle issues/hazards, underwater crime scene documentation, and locating/documenting/recovering evidence. ERDI is a progressive and task-oriented Police Diver certifying agency.
This certification declares that the certificant is empowered by the Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI) organization to conduct Full-Face Mask training and offer FFM certification to Police Divers.
This certification declares that the certificant is empowered by the Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI) organization to conduct Dry Suit training and offer certification to Police Divers.
This certification declares that the diver has exhibited competence in issues related to the science of Police Diving and also the skills associated with rescues, recoveries, evidence collection, report writing, and testifying in court regarding the Police Diver function.
This certification declares that the diver has exhibited competence in Arc, Canal, Compass, Staggered-Line, Jackstay, Towed, Expanding Square, Shore-Line, Circular, and Pendulum Searches.

Additionally, the diver has exhibited competence in Vehicle, Victim, and Evidence Recovery.

Additionally, the diver has exhibited competence in helo-cast water entries, ship-hull searches, and disabling small to medium size vessels.

Finally, the diver has exhibited competence in covert night-time underwater surveillances and planning covert night dives.
This certification declares that the diver has exhibited competence in skills associated with underwater investigation of devices used for terrorism purposes. Due to the nature of this function, presenting the details of the skills and knowledge associated with this credeential are inappropriate on this venue.

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