Schutzhund Trials Judged by Wendell Nope
Liberty Working Dog Club 24 September 2021

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This was a very interesting Trial for me to judge. I enjoyed the variety of cultures
represented by the participants. It was fun, in spite of the rain!

Handler Dog Title A B C Total TSB Comments
Suzanne Taurone Italica's All the Rage
Cane Corso Dog
BH - 60 (100%) - Pass - Obedience - Attentive and energetic Heeling; Very nice Harmony; Near perfect performance
Traffic - Very stable in all phases.
Debra Lazaro Starbrite's Ultimate Swindle
Belgian Malinois Dog
BH - 54 (90%) - Pass - Obedience - Attentive Heeling; Nice Harmony; Remain in Heel position in Group; Slite unruly off-lead; Flawless Sit Exercise; Super Recall
Traffic - Very stable in all phases; Happy overall disposition
Peter Maiorana Grim Ot Vitosha
Belgian Malinois Dog
BH - 59 (98%) - Pass - Obedience - Wonderful Harmony; Extreme minor fault in during off-lead Finish; Otherwise flawless performance
Traffic - Totally stable in all phases
Caitlin Tilley Yenzo vom Benzahaus
German Shepherd Dog
BH - 56 (90%) - Pass - Obedience - Nice Harmony; Slite wide on right turns; Faster Finishes
Traffic - Totally stable in all phases
Jenna Johnson Dakota von Nordosten
Mixed Breed Dog
BH - 53 (88%) - Pass - Obedience - Nice Harmony; Better focu on turns; Handler's hand movements more continuity; Sniffed person in Group
Traffic - Totally stable in all phases
Debra Perks Draco von Vorteil
German Shepherd Dog
IGP-1 88 96 95 279 "a" Tracking - Deep nose; Disoriented briefly on 2nd leg; Indicate Articles 2 & 3 faster/better
Obedience - Very attentive overall; Jumped to top of Scaling Wall + slight bump Handler on Front; Faster Finish on Sendaway
Protection - Robust Search, Intense Hold/Bark; Immediate/powerful Escape & Defense; Minor Handler Help after Defense; Dynamic Courage Test with slite unruly Transport
Peter Maiorana Grim ot Vitosha
Mix Breed Dog
IGP-1 87 88 98 273 "a" Tracking - Deep nose; Slite disoriented on each leg; Handler Help leg 3
Obedience - Slite unruly Off-Leash Heel; No jump over on Hurdle + slite mouthing; Jump to top of wall + jump off top of wall; Fast Sendaway and faster Down
Protection - Powerful/focused work overall; Dynamic engaging Helper; Slite faster outs on Defense & Courage Test
Kathy Farrell Otto Rakete von Watcher Engel
German Shepherd Dog
IGP-2 80 85 92 257 "a" Tracking - Struggled at Start; Disoriented at Turn 1; Multiple side-checks; Slite Handler Help leg 3, Excellent Article indications
Obedience - Impetuous barking; No Front on Recall; Slite mouthing on Retrieves; Slite unruly on Down
Protection - Excellent Search/Bark-Hold; Faster out on Escape & Defense; More attentive on Transport; Bothered Helper on Courage Test out
Jodi Riano Heilo vom Evolution
German Shepherd Dog
93 92 -- 93/92 - Tracking - Struggled at Start; Slite loss focus on Leg 1; Slite Handler Help Leg 2, Minor overshoot Turn 2; Slite open mouth Leg 2; Excellent Article indicatins
Obedience - Occasional barking; No Front on Recall; Slite mouthing on Retrieves; Slite unruly on Obstacles
Protection - N/A
Jennifeer Holt Vulcan vom Sitz von der Hose
German Shepherd Dog
IGP-3 84 86 88 258 "a" Tracking - Deep nose at start; Slite disoriented Turns 1/2/3; Laid on Article 2; Overshot Turn 4 by 6'
Obedience - High energy throughout; Slite crowding in Group; Slite crooked Fronts; Omitted Hurdle over; Slite unruly outs on all Retrieves; Faster down on Sendaway
Protectionn - Excellent Search/Hold-Bark; Crisper callback from blind; Faster release on all Outs
Kathy Farrell Enchants Gaia von Chalmar
Doberman Pinscher Dog
IGP-3 84 94 69 247 (Faulty) "a" Tracking - Deep nose at start; Slite disoriented at Turns 1/2/4; Major disoriented Leg 3, self-corrected; Multiple side-checks; Articles indicated correctly
Obedience - Excellent Heeling Pattern; Stood on Sit-Motion; Very fast down-recall; Slite mouthing on Wall retrieve; Faster down on Sendaway
Protection - Faulty Search; Major bothering Helper in Blind; Powerful Escape response; Unruly during transport Attack; Powerful combat in Courage Test; Major bother Helper after out on Re-Attack
Karen Smith Leo vom Olgameister(br>German Shepherd Dog IGP-3 95 97 100 292 "a" Tracking - Deep nose at start; Intense step-to-step sniffing; Slite side checks prior to & after Turn 1; Slite overshot Turn 3; Flawless Article indications
Obedience - Inspiring Harmony; Totally focused; Crisper Finish on ground Retrieve; Slitely more agile on Hurdle; Excellent Sendaway
Protection - Dynamic performance throughout; Powerful grips and combat; Instant reponse to control commands; Excellent Transitions
David Gregoire Kash Leistungsblut von der Schwarz
Doberman Pinscher Dog
IGP-3 93 90 91 274 "a" Tracking - Deep nose; side checks Legs 1-2; Faster down Article 2; Overshot Leg 3; Excellent indication on Articles 1/3
Obedience - No sit-motion; Excellent Down/Recall; Head jerk at Fuss command Running Stand & Flat/Hurdle Retrieve; 2 commands on sendaway; Slite creep on Down
Protection - Excellent Blind Search, Hold-Bark, Escape; Bumping Helper on Transport from Front Transport; Slite slowed on Courage Test; Growling during Courate Test & Reattack combats
Dianne Del Pozzo Agent Steve vom Feuergarten
German Shepherd Dog
FH-1 90 - - 90 - Tracking - Deep nose Start& all Legs; Excellent Turns 1/4/5/6; Overshot/Circled Turns 2/3; Laid on Article 1; Flawless Articles 2/3/4/5; Steadfast on Crosstracks
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