Schutzhund Trials Judged by Wendell Nope
Trinidad GSD Club + Universal Schutzhund Club

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This is the first Schutzhund Trial I have judged outside the United States. I was honored to be asked to travel to Trinidad & Tobago for this national event. The Dog Sports fans here are dedicated, hard-working, and fun-loving. It's not uncommon for them to hang around talking dogs for hours after training is finished. I do not know if I have ever been treated more kindly as a Judge. I suspect that the time is not far off when the international Dog Sports community will recognize the efforts of the T&T Schutzhund trainers!

Handler Dog Title A B C Total TSB Comments
Vit Singh Akira vom Foersterhaus
German Shepherd Dog
[SchH-3] 52 91 94 237 "a" Tracking - precise step-for-step until 3rd turn; became disoriented; Judge halted exercise
Obedience - attentive and energetic Heeling; bumped Handler on retrieves; excellent Sendaway & Long Down
Protection - strong serious work during Hold/Bark, Escape & Defense; slightly unruly on Outs; strong Courage Test!
Frederick Garbo Xito von Conneforde
German Shepherd Dog
[SchH-3] 9 76 92 177 "a" Tracking - Disoriented partway down first leg; Judge halted exercise
Obedience - multiple minor point deductions; slight mouthing on retrieves; commendable Handler demeanor
Protection - very powerful overall performance; slite forging on Transports, slite bothering Helper on Outs
Shawn Bocas Hess vom Royal Valley
German Shepherd Dog
BH -- -- -- Pass --- Obedience - slite lagging & sniffing during Heeling; crouched on Walking Sit; very fast Recall;
Traffic - totally stable in Group, Bicycle, Car, Jogger, Dogs, and Leashed Dog
Kurt Ajodha White Ghost Dogos Sperado
Dogo Argentinio
BH -- -- -- Pass --- Obedience - could be more energetic overall; faster response in Walking Sit & Down; excellent Recall
Traffic - very stable in Group, Bicycle, Car, Jogger, Dogs, and Leashed Dog
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