Wendell Nope SCUBA Pages
SCUBA Diving Links
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Below are listed some of the SCUBA links that I find extremely valuable, competent, and reliable. Hopefully, they help you as much as they have helped me! This is not just a bunch of sites to make up a Links page, but rather, a list of my own personal recommendation of each link as a bona fide technical resource.

Dive Addicts is in Draper, Utah and offers Technical Diving training and certification. Randy Thornton and his sons Josh & Michael are pictured above, with links to their bios. They are all great to work with and are all super-friendly. Dive Addicts was the first and is still the preeminent Tech Diving shop in Utah. They offer everything from Advanced Nitrox - Decompression Procedures up to Trimix Rebreather, and even Cave Diver training. They also have any gas mix you would hope for. Friendly service, competent training, state-of-the-art dive gear, on-site equipment repairs ... these guys are THE BOMB!
Amigos Dive Center in Fort White, Florida is a one-of-a-kind dive shop. Mr. Wayne Kinard has to be the world's friendliest guy! Amigos came into existence when a group of Wayne's close friends suggested he open a dive shop that would cater to honest, hard-working, serious divers. In fact, many of the start-up procedures, equipment, and physical labor all were donated by Wayne's friends. There were compressors, tanks, painting, computers and programs, etc. donated to Wayne, just because he is such a good guy.

I would recommend Amigos Dive Center to anyone who is doing any kind of diving. You will learn, as I did, the great feeling it is to be trusted at Amigos 24-hour "self-serve" breathing gas fill station. It just doesn't get much better than this!
This link is both an advertisement for and a tribute to Mr. Jim Wyatt, who is the CEO and Chief Cave Diver Instructor for Cave Dive Florida. Mr. Wyatt is a refreshing presence in "Cave Country" aka "... where High-Tech meets Redneck ...." He is highly educated, articulate, and extraordinarily dedicated to the business of training new Cave Divers.

Jim Wyatt is a tough yet fair instructor. Cave Diving is an activity in which there is little margin for (human) error. Accordingly, if you are going to pay someone to train you as a Cave Diver, you should hope to be signing up for an emotional, intellectual, and diver-skills "Boot Camp." This is indeed the case with Jim Wyatt. He requires near-perfection in the early stages of training and then perfection in the advanced stages. Yet, when considering a cave diving instructor, what other kind of instructor would you prefer to train & qualify you in this extreme sport?

The photo to the left shows my dive buddy, Richard Lamb, upon completing his Full Cave Diver course with Jim Wyatt (right).
This link is an advertisement for Key West Snorkeling - Key West Dive Center is the premier source for the best snorkeling in Key West and the Florida Keys. Wreck, Reef, Shark, Dolphin, Night , Multi-Day & Specialty dives available.

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