Schutzhund Trials Judged by Wendell Nope
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I am deeply honored when asked to judge a Trial. I feel a deep sense of obligation to each participant to provide as accurate and fair an
assessment as I am able, according to the constraints within the regulations. A Handler spends many hours of discretionary time training a
dog. That time is sacrosanct, in my opinion. Whether the motivation is for breeding purposes or personal gratification, a Handler/Dog
deserve the optimal skill of a properly-trained, impartial, and personable Judge. This is my credo and goal at each Trial at which I officiate.

Liberty Working Dog Club 2021

GSDCA-WDA Nationals 2011

Virginia Beach SchH Club 2010

Trinidad GSD Club + Universal SchH Club 2010

Metro Atlanta SchH Club 2010

Teufel Hund SchH Club 2010

Bellville Dogsport Assn 2009

GSDCA National Specialty 2008

Marysville SchH Club 2008

Central Illinois Police and Working Dog Assn 2007

Virginia Beach SchH Club 2005

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