Schutzhund Trials Judged by Wendell Nope
Belleville Schutzhund Club

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This Schutzhund Trial is without a doubt one of the most pleasant experiences of my judging career. Not only were the hosts and Handlers pleasant, but the dogs were fantastic. One need only examine the scores to see how much they (the dogs) wanted the Judge to have a great time! My commendations to all persons and dogs participating in this Trial. I'm just sorry I don't have any video to load onto this web page to give y'all a taste of what I experienced!

Congratulations to everyone involved, all of whom were hoping to go on to the 2009 WDA National Championship!

Handler Dog Title A B C Total TSB Comments
Philip Liberatore Clown vom Wendekreis (Vito)
German Shepherd Dog
SchH-3 85 82 83 250 "a" Tracking - overall precise step-for-step; slight disorientation turn 3; walked articles 2-3
Obedience - willing attitude; responses to commands could be more energetic and exact
Protection - powerful presence throughout; faster outs; forging on transports; quick/hard re-grip after last out
Tanya Alloway Ayk vom Rabentuam
German Shepherd Dog
SchH-3 99 90 98 287 "a" Tracking - calm-focused throughout; exemplary overall image; very slight open-mouth on legs 3 & 5; Flawless Handler skill
Obedience - minor but multiple bumping into Handler; slight mouthing on retrieves; faster down on sendaway
Protection - powerful overall image; more consistent barking at blind; bumped (no grip) sleeve; otherwise flawless performance
Bill Pivirotto DJ vom Zieringer-Land
German Shepherd Dog
SchH-3 99 94 98 291 "a" Tracking - phenomenal overall performance; slightly overshot article 2 & then self-corrected; very slight open mouth leg 5
Obedience - very slight Handler help on all finishes; bumps Handler on retrieves; anticipated sendaway down command
Protection - 100 pt performance except for -2 points for very subtle (body language) Handler help upon approaching Helper
Diane Madigan Olympics Gina
Belgian Malinois Dog
SchH-3 97 89 95 281 "a" Tracking - very intense & energetic attitude; faster downs on articles; rushed through turn 2
Obedience - very-very focused throughout; more speed changes; mouths/drops dumbbell; forges on sendaway and faster down
Protection - very-very energetic throughout; bumps Helper (no grip) at blind; forges on back transport; otherwise exemplary
Jim Alloway Tino vom Grauen Bund
German Shepherd Dog
SchH-3 99 95 99 293 "a" Tracking - extreme focus throughout; slight momentary high nose on leg 3 and turn 4; slight momentary open mouth leg 4
Obedience - slightly noisy on gunshots; sniffs during sit-motion; very slight mouthing on retrieve; slight whining on long down
Protection - very intense & powerful attitude throughout; slight bump (no grip) at blind; incredible discipline without being robotic
Katie Michel Maya vom Gilbach
German Shepherd Dog
SchH-3 96 - - - - Tracking - very calm and focused; slight high nose at multiple locations; slightly disoriented at turn 4;
Obedience - nearly flawless performance up to hurdle retrieve ... injured and pulled at this point
Protection - phase not displayed due to obedience phase injury